Directorate of Labour Market Services


The National Employment Service

Established under section 2 (1) of the Employment Service Act, No. 8 of 2011, the National Employment Service was established with the purpose of providing professional labour market services for the purpose of achieving full, productive and decent employment in Namibia. This division consists of the Employment Services Board and the Employment Services Bureau.

Employment Services Board

The board is comprised of the following people: View Employment Service Board Members

  • The Chairperson
  • 3 members representing the interest of the state
  • 2 members representing the interest of registered trade unions
  • 2 members representing the interest of registered employers' organisations
  • 2 members with specialised knowledge in the field of labour and employment
  • 1 member representing the interests of persons living with disabilities
  • 1 member of the National Youth Council.

The Functions and Duties of the Board

  • To investigate and advise the Minister on the provision of employment services and the attainment of other objectives of the Employment Service Act. 
  • To assist the Minister in analysing and monitoring labour market developments concerning occupations and occupational segments including vocational training. 
  • To advice the Minister on legislation pertaining to the provision of employment services and regulations on private employment agencies.
  • To facilitate and coordinate multi sectoral cooperation to achieve the objectives of the Employmet Service Act.
  • To advice the Minister from time to time on the application fees to be collected in terms of the Employment Service Act.
  • To advise the Minister on the performance of the bureau in providing labour market services.
  • To advise any other employment matter that the board considers useful to achieve the objectives of the Employment Service Act or is refered to the board by the Minister.
The Employment Services Bureau

The bureau is comprised of the following:

  • Director
  • Deputy Director
  • Employment Officers
  • Psychologists
  • Psychological Counselors

The Functions and Duties of the Bureau

  • Register job seekers.
  • Register vacancies in the public and private sector.
  • Assist job seekers in finding suitable employment and to recommend suitable qualified job seekers to prospective employers.
  • To provide vocational, career and labour market guidance to job seekers and interested persons.
  • To regulate and control the use of psychometric test for selection and recruitment purposes in accordance with the Social Social Work and Psychology Act, 2004 (Act No. 6 of 2004).
  • To liaise with the Ministry responsible for education in respect of educational and vocational training institutions on vocational attachements and internships.
  • To develop career guidance and related programs aimed at helping persons to gain market orientated cometencies.
  • To maintain the integrated employment information system in terms of section 14. (View Integrated Employment Information System)
  • To assist and facilitate research for the Board on employment related matters.
  • To keep a list of non- Namibian citizens citizens granted work permits in terms of the Immigration Control Act, 1993 (Act No. 7 of 1993) and to advise the Minister accordingly in the training of Namibians in those occupations.
  • To keep a register of private employment agencies.
  • To collect, analyse and disseminate statistical information related to employment in accordance with other relevant laws.
  • And to perform any other functions as may be assigned to it by or under this, act or by the Minister. 

Director: Labour Market Services

Mr. Dawid Iigonda

Deputy Director: Employment Services

Ms. Josephine Sifani


Deputy Director: Labour Market Information

